Far in the middle of the sea, from the captain’s deck we saw dark brown dirt like thing on a sheet ice which is about the size of table tennis board. As we got closer and viewed through the binoculars, found that it was a big fat Walrus. The captain of the boat slowed down and moved the boat towards him to have a good look. By now he understood and might be telling to himself, “Oh! These touristy fools will start coming in these boats from now on, as the summer time has started”. He quietly watched the boat coming towards him with no curiosity and no panic. He was enjoying the cold day and just landed on the sheet of the ice to get a breather and relax. Of course enjoying all the attention from the tourists. I think the sea ice to the Walrus is what sauna to the humans. He posed for the people on the boat with the binoculars, cameras till the boat was at a safe distance. And then he realized that boat is infringing his personal space, he rolled himself over his belly, moving his huge fatty body and splashed in to the cold water. It was one of the coolest things I have seen and many who were on the boat.
Location: On board Langøysund, on the way to Esmark glacier heading to Barentsburg-Russian settlement, Svalbard.
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