Sunday, April 4, 2010


Location: Road side Ice cream Parlor, Milan

Guy: [scanning through the ice creams in the glass box]

Shop Guy: [Looking at the guy for the order]

Guy: [with a straight face] Give me a moment..

Shop Guy: [Searching for ‘Moment’ flavor, looks back at the guy helplessly]

Guy: Give me a moment [Gesturing with his index finger]

Shop Guy: [Smiles]

Guy: [Smiles]

Location: Duomo, Milan

Me: Can I have a picture with the Duomo in the background?

Japanese girl: Sure!

Japanese girl: [ Moves 2 steps back, 1 step forward, squats and then stood up and settled somewhere between squatting and standing ] One.. Two.. Three...

Me: Thank you!

Location: On the boat to the Volcano in Santorini..

[I heard] One.. Two.. Three..! [Turned around and saw an Asian girl clicking a picture of couple]

Location: Airport, Thessaloniki

Me: [Walking towards the exit]

Cop in mufti: Police [showing his ID card in front of me. I had seen this kind of scene only in the Hollywood movies, The ID card looked like a photocopy of my driving license, if it was not the airport I would have laughed at him]

Me: Yes…

Cop in mufti: Where are you from?

Me: India..

Cop in mufti: Where are coming from?

Me: Milan..

Cop in mufti: Thank you..

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